Thursday, 30 July 2009


  1. Tak not alot I can say really, my first experience of any major illness was my boss's son last year and from that it made me look at my own familys life ever so slightly different.

    I got to say I had to read your blog twice for it to sink in, what's the next step?

    Simon Cordt

  2. Dooh Reading your blog on an iPhone ain't bad but not ad good as my 30inch gaming LCD just seen the other half which answered my question lol not sure about the shaving head bit but as long as it's the upper head ;-) well it seems that all the home work has been done and dates planned it's now te to play the game Tak, shame your so far away would have been nice to catch up!

  3. Hello Tak.By now you will have had your surgery and I pray that it has been successful.
    As you now know I was diagnosed with cancer last September so I can empathize with what you have experienced since you were told you had a tumor.
    I too had major surgery and I am out the other end and making a good recovery as I'm sure you will.
    Look forward to hearing positive news as soon as possible,in the meantime much love and best wishes,

    Bob,Sue,Becky & Sophie Jackson
