Over the last week or two, I started getting some mild but odd symptoms again. Occasional headaches, momentary disorientation, tiredness etc. None of it was too hard to deal with and it tended to pass after a few minutes, but last Friday I decided to go see Professor Poon again, just to be safe.
He sent me for another CT scan. The scan showed that one of the ventricles in my brain had begun to swell up again. I went in for a follow-up consultation this morning and, To save writing time, I’m going to be lazy and just cut & paste the update e-mail that I wrote to my family earlier today. Here it is:
Hello all,
It's great to hear that dad seems to be making such a good recovery. Long may it continue!
Unfortunately, I have a less positive update on my situation. I went in to see Professor Poon this morning. Originally I thought I was going in for a CT scan to check the progress on the swelling in my brain. Instead, he sent me for an EEG to monitor the electrical activity in my brain. He explained that some of the more recent symptoms that I've been feeling (slight disorientation and headaches) could be the result of mild seizure activity and the EEG would show whether this was the case or not.

The good news is that the EEG was normal, so it's not seizure related. Which means it's most likely to do with the physical pressure of the swelling. The bad news is that; in his opinion, the chances of the swelling correcting itself without intervention are slim. Therefore, there is more than 80% likelihood that I will need to have a fourth surgery to fix it.
The swelling is probably caused by the drainage hole (that he made in my brain during the last surgery), closing up and therefore not allowing the brain fluid to drain away.
There are two possible surgical solutions:
1. Shunt revision: Unblock or replace the shunt that's already in my head
2. Repeat the last surgery: (fenestration) - but this time cut away more brain tissue to make the hole bigger to minimise the chances of it closing up again.
Option 1 is the simpler and lower risk option. It's a 1.5 hour procedure and not too invasive. BUT his original concern remains, which is, because the shunt blocked so quickly the first time it may block again, which would mean yet another surgery to fix it. His preference therefore is for option 2. It's harder work, more invasive and may be a slightly tougher recovery for me. But it is more likely to be a permanent solution (although there are never any guarantees on this, either way, (as has just been demonstrated).
Next steps are, tomorrow at 9am I will go in for a CT scan. If, by some miracle, the swelling has gone down by itself, then I may not need any surgery. But in the more likely scenario that it is still there or has gotten worse, then I will be admitted immediately for surgery. They have already booked the operating theatre for me this Wednesday.
Anyway, I am feeling good right now, no headaches or disorientation, so who knows? But I will give you an update tomorrow after my CT scan and discussion with Professor Poon.
Thanks for the prayers and support. I think we have the best family support group in the world :)
And don't worry, I feel good and positive. If dad can get through his issues then so can I!!!
So... my dear Blog followers, as it stands, I am going back into hospital tomorrow, and will be prepared to undergo my fourth brain surgery this Wednesday. They have an operating theatre booked for me already, it’s just a matter of which kind of surgery they will be doing on the day, which will be decided tomorrow after my scan.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel nervous. My feelings before each of my surgeries have ranged from “peace and tranquility” to "fear and panic". Right now, I am somewhere in between but leaning towards the peace & tranquility end of the spectrum. As sad as it sounds, I feel like I’ve been through this so many times now, that I’m kind of used to it. At least the fear of the unknown is no longer there. If anything, I’m just frustrated that I have to go through it again. I really hope this will be the last one. Wish me luck!!!
hang tight my friend. I cannot even imagine what you are having to go through, all I can do is give you all my love and thoughts. Can't believe we missed by two hours on Christmas eve... Be good, big man, stay positive, we are all right behind you - remember to use the force.
ReplyDeleteBy the way the blues are back on top. There's only one John Terry and one England captain!!!
hang in there, dude. prayers with you. fingers and toes crossed that it'll be good.
ReplyDeletelet's just decide that you will be ok to make it for drinks this Fri (OJ for you, obviously) ;)
update the status after your appointment - n m sure if anything happens, it's just for a stronger and tougher tak (the iron-man) ! :)