I checked into the Prince of Wales Hospital this morning and spent the day being being x-rayed, CAT scanned, blood pressure tested, and generally poked & prodded by all sorts of random people. I'm sure some of them don't even work at the hospital.
Well, this is my home for the next week or so.

It ain't the Four Seasons but as far as public hospital rooms go, it's pretty decent. I have a flat screen TV, DVD player, fridge (for my Coke Zeros), my own bathroom and a pretty nice view.

The room has also been brightened up with some gorgeous flowers from my Ogilvy family. One of the bouquets is even bigger than me! You should have seen the stares from the staff as they wheeled it in =) They certainly make the place feel brighter and happier - thank you dearly.

...and beautiful
And even the food is quite good! Who would have thought it? If I'm nice, maybe they'll let me rent a room here permanently?
Tak, no more coke zero for these weeks, be a good boy!