Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Who Are You Again?

Yesterday, I went for a neuropsychological evaluation. The purpose was to get a psychological profile on 3 key areas: memory, cognition and personality. This will serve as a benchmark to cross-check against post-surgery.

I was sat in a lab with a clinical psychologist who spent 2 hours taking me through a series of different tests. The tests ranged from "are you kidding me?”-easy to "you're hurting my brain”-hard.

A few examples are: memorising pictures, faces and number sequences, working out sequences in picture diagrams, explaining the relationships between different objects or abstract concepts, general knowledge (I found it hard not to snigger when she asked me “What is a thermometer?”) as well as a personality test which seemed to focus specifically on mood.

I won't get the results for a few days but just from sitting the tests, I felt that I did well in most of them with the exception of the visual memory tests. I could remember sequences and stories without any problems, but when it came to remembering the details within some picture cards, I struggled. At one point I couldn’t even remember seeing the card, let alone the details inside it.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the tumour because I’ve been told that it’s impacting on the part of the brain that controls memory and the truth is that I have been finding it harder to remember people’s faces and names over the last couple of years. I had simply put this down to aging but maybe there’s more to it than that. In fact just the other day I… um… what was it that happened?

Oh never mind.


  1. Oh yes tak. I do hope you remember you owe me a huge sum of money...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Tak,

    Just knew the blog from Facebook and read all the posts here. Wanna to say you are a very kind-hearted guy and I do think "good-heartedness often meets with recompense". So you will get well soon after the surgery. Take Care!

    William Chu

  4. Yeah, you even managed to forget my birthday this year. Come to think of it, you forgot it last year, and the year before, and.......

  5. dude - you will be alright, with your positivity & optimism [awesome!] - m sure you will just be as good after you step out of the operating theater [ok... pushed out...](perhaps even better! ;p)
    dont you try to forget me! will do you a quiz when m back next time! +)

    take care and, all the best!

    xxx, daph

  6. Thanks peeps.

    I will be making detailed notes of who you all are, whether I liked you or not and who I owe money to (i.e. no-one). As well as who owes me money (a few people).

    And Martin... who are you again?

  7. Neuropsych testing was my low point as well, so this post really resonates with me!
